Quick Start Guide

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The Basics

Lets start off on the right foot with a few quick tutorials on how to jump right in and use TimeMD.

Logging In

There are two locations to log in to your TimeMD.com account, from our main page TimeMD.com or from your personalized URL. Find out how to do both below.

The Video


  • There are two locations from which you can log in to your TimeMD.com account. One from our main page TimeMD.com and from your personalized URL.
  • Your can find your personalized URL in the welcome email that was sent upon creating your account.
  • You can recover a lost username and password from the login page. You must have an email address associated with your account in order for the retrieval process to work.
  • Certain preference changes to your account may require a log out and then logging back in.

Clocking In & Out

This applies to those using our Web Clock. For those using one of our hardware solutions, the process depends on what device you are using.

There are two ways a punch can be recorded. Either through logging in and viewing the Web Clock directly. Or by taking advantage of the Quick Clock In/Out tool.

Web Clock

The Web Clock is available to all TimeMD.com users. Depending on your account configuration, you may need to choose a Department, Job and/or Task. Simply make the appropriate selection and click either "Clock In" or "Clock Out".

The Video

Quick Clock In/Out

For those users who do not need to select a Department, Job and/or Task, they can take advantage of the Quick Clock In/Out process. To do so, be sure to choose "Quick Clock In/Out" from the "Action" field on the login screen. This will clock you in or out depending on whatever action was saved prior to logging in. In other words, if you where clocked in, the system will clock you out. If you where clocked out, the system will clock you in.

Taking Non-Paid Breaks

If your account has been configured to keep track of non-paid breaks, you'll see the orange "Begin Break" button as part of the Web Clock. Simply click this button to either start or end your break.


All time entries must be tied to a department. That means all employees authorized to track time must be associated to at least one department.

Creating a Department

To create a department, you must be signed into your TimeMD.com account as a manager. See "Logging In" above for more information. Once logged in, proceed to "Preferences -> Departments".

The Video
How To
  1. Click "Create New Department" from either the sub-menu at the top of the screen or from the button in the middle of the page.
  2. Fill out the input form being sure to choose the Location the department belongs too as well as the Department name. All other fields are optional.
  3. Save the form by clicking the "Submit Form" button.

Deleting a Department

To delete a department, you must be signed in as a Manager.

  1. Proceed to "Preferences -> Departments"
  2. Identify the department in question from the list of departments.
  3. Click the red "X" located at the far right of the department listing.
  • Note that if time entries are assigned to the department, the system will ask you to either associate those times to a new department or to continue without re-associating them.

Editing a Department

To edit a department, you must be signed in as a Manager.

  1. Proceed to "Preferences -> Departments"
  2. Identify the department in question from the list of departments.
  3. Click the "edit" button located to the right of the department listing.
  4. Fill out the necessary changes and save the form.


Employees need to identify themselves for the purposes of the system to know who they are when logging into TimeMD. In order to identify oneself, each employee has been assigned a username and a password. Employees use their account to access TimeMD.com for clocking in, clocking out, and reviewing their own time records.

The Video

Adding An Employee Account

To add an employee account, you must be logged in as a Manager.

  1. Proceed to "Preferences -> Personnel/Employees"
  2. Click "Create New Personnel" from either the sub-menu at the top of the screen or by clicking on the "Create New Personnel" button located in the bottom of the screen.
  3. Fill out the necessary fields.
  4. Click the "Submit Form" button in order to save the form.

Deleting An Employee Account

To delete an employee account, you must be logged in as a Manager. Please note that deleting an employee actually terms the employee. All data is still saved and the employee's information can still be found under the "In-Active" employee list. If you wish to purge an employee record completely from your account, you must contact a TimeMD.com representative.

  1. Proceed to "Preferences -> Personnel/Employees"
  2. Identify the employee from the list of Personnel.
  3. Click the red "X" located to the far right of the employee's listing.

Editing An Employee Record

To edit an employee account, you must be logged in as a Manager.

  1. Proceed to "Preferences -> Personnel/Employees"
  2. Identify the employee from the list of Personnel.
  3. Click the employee's name to be taken to their input page.
  4. Make the necessary changes to the employee account and save the form.

Associating An Employee to a Department

To associate an employee to a department, you must be logged in as a Manager.

  1. Proceed to "Preferences -> Personnel/Employees".
  2. Identify the employee from the list of Personnel.
  3. Click the "associations" button found on the line with the employees name.
  4. Click the "Create New Association" button.
  5. Fill out the necessary fields and click the "Submit Form" button.
  6. Make the necessary changes to the employee account and save the form.